WLIC Denounces Sickening Violence & Disorder Across the UK

Tuesday 6th August 2024

During the past week we have witnessed horrific violence and terror directed against Muslim, immigrant and wider communities across the UK. We share and express the utter shock and horror the British Muslim community feels at these hatred and Islamophobia fuelled events, with people and the police subjected to appalling assaults and families living in a state of fear, terrified to leave their homes or visit their places of worship.

It has been reported that the far-right are planning to ‘protest’ in West London in the coming days. WLIC has communicated its serious concerns to local MP’s, Councillors, Borough and Neighbourhood Police Community Safety Teams, asking them to take preventative action and confirm that all resources and public order statutory provisions will be prepared and deployed to ensure the safety of all our communities and the security of our Mosques.

It is a travesty that the heinous attack on innocent children in Southport, was so perniciously exploited to sow the seeds of resentment. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the families in mourning, for the little girls who lost their precious lives, and all those affected by this ineffable crime. We continue to grieve with them.

The violence on our streets is partly stoked by the spread of unregulated, inflammatory misinformation on social media and a wider political and media narrative that has normalised Islamophobia. Just last month WLIC organised a Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Exhibition highlighting the dangers of demonising and vilifying members of any community. Genuine societal anxieties and concerns should only be addressed through legitimate democratic means.

The rise of far-right radicalisation and terrorism has been left unchallenged for too long. Those who sponsor or incite prejudice, terrorise communities on the streets or online, seeking to cause enmity, regardless of background, faith or ethnicity must be pursued and apprehended within the law. Amongst the mayhem and chaos we have drawn some comfort by the fellowship and scenes of decent people coming together to help their neighbours and colleagues, undoubtedly a manifestation of the actual communal spirit, forever present amongst our British public.

We are pleased to see the government is responding to this violent unrest with swift and firm action, we call on them to engage with representative organisations within our community. We would like to wholeheartedly thank our local and national emergency services for the reassurance, visits and support they have provided. We urge our community to take precautionary measures when travelling, to remain vigilant, stay informed, report suspicious activity and any abuse or criminality to the authorities. The centre office is open to anyone who requires advice or support.

Ealing is a welcoming and diverse borough, and London is a unique city. Many still vividly remember the unrest and consequences of the riots that took place in 2011, when members of WLIC and other faith institutions stood up to protect their places of worship, local businesses and all their neighbours. Regardless of provocations, we must always represent the best of our belief and values, standing together as one, calling for calm and peacefully defending against the scourge of racism, prejudice and xenophobia.

WLIC Executive Board

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