• The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whosoever shares in building a masjid for Allah, even if it is as small as a bird’s nest, Allah will build for them a house in Paradise.” [Ahmad]
  • ‘Those who spend their wealth by night and day, secretly and publicly, will find their reward with their Lord and there is no reason for them to fear or grieve.'[Qur’an 2:274]
  • The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘Charity obliterates sins just as water extinguishes fire.’ [Al-Tirmidhi]
  • The Final Messenger of God said: ‘Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity’ [Al-Tirmidhi]
  • When a person dies, their acts come to an end, except three, recurring charity or knowledge from which people benefit, or a pious child who prays for them. [Muslim]
  • ...

Help Complete A Masjid in Ealing, For A Home in Jannah Insha'Allah

WLIC is a thriving Mosque and Community Centre situated in the heart of the vibrant, multicultural London Borough of Ealing.
After 20 years on its current site, a new chapter was ushered in with the demolition of the previous building on Monday 7th August 2017, making way for one of London's largest purpose built 53,000 sq. feet facilities, contemporary in style but with a clear Islamic influence. Completely self-funded by the community with no donations from abroad, the 2nd phase completion took place in December 2019 with occupation of the ground and 1st floors, £1.4 million is required to complete the phase 3 upper floors.

Sustainability, community welfare, education, enterprise and maintenance efficiencies are key features of the new design; with the aim of building a modern and visionary centre, serving all of London. Help us to deliver our ambitious goals by getting in touch or making a donation - we need your support - however small or large to complete this landmark project, God willing.


WLIC Denounces Sickening Violence & Disorder Across the UK

Tuesday 6th August 2024 During the past week we have witnessed horrific violence and terror directed against Muslim, immigrant and wider communities across the...

Visitors Attend WLIC Srebrenica Memorial Exhibition

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who attended the Exhibition, a one of a kind curation from WLIC, its stated aim...

Election 24: Local Results & Analysis

For results of the Ealing borough’s votes in the UK election 2024 click here News Analysis Muslim Council of Britain Calls on Incoming Government...

Second WLIC Gaza Ambulance Handover

On Thursday 4th April, the 25th of Ramadan 2024, representatives of the Masjid paid an overnight visit to Cairo, Egypt for the official handover...

End the Suffering: Call for a Ceasefire

Wednesday 1st Nov 2023: In light of the ever deteriorating and appalling situation in Gaza, with thousands of innocent, defenceless civilians killed and injured,...

The Al-Quds Wall

‘Glory be to Allah, Who did take His servant for a jourey by night, from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts...



‘The new Mosque will be symbol of unity and co-operation which will benefit future generations and act as an interchange of understanding with the wider local community for years to come.’

Luqman Viscomi & Family

‘I have been bringing my family here for many years, a welcoming and exceptional Centre as it stands, news of its reconstruction has pleased all’’

Dr Tariq Khan & Family

Contribute Today, Invest In Your Future

Architectural Plans

West London Islamic Centre & Jamia Masjid . Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved
Website Design by Ummah Design